Beach Restoration Update

Friends and Neighbors,

There was no money in the Restoration budget for dune plants according to the County and MRD Associates.  The Restoration Project is completed.  I requested from the County and from Michael Dombrowski  (MRD) a list of the approved plants if an individual wanted to protect the dunes in front of their property.  Unable to obtain that from them, I requested a local to provide us with a list of the most used and approved plants that could be used.  Please see his list below.  Be aware, because of the time of year, some will be better than others to  take hold.  Also, proper placement of approved  DEP sand fencing can be extremely effective in protecting the dunes. 

The County is working on a grant from FEMA for a secondary dune in front of the present existing dune which will include plants, smaller and at the toe of the present dune.  For the entire coast line of the County the request is a $22 million dollar and is viable.  The effort will begin at the County line at St Joe Beach and will be “hauled in sand” from Honeyville, which is a really good thing, because of added sand to the beaches.  Time lines are not established.  The most difficult area to access will be the Cape North of the rocks.

Merry Christmas!

Be kind, Be gentle, Be generous during the Christmas season.

Dr. Pat 

Plant List:

  • Ceratiola ericoides – beach rosemary
  • Helianthus debilis – dune Flower
  • Distichlis spicata – saltgrass
  • Spartina patens – saltmeadow/ marsh hay
  • Uniola piniculata – sea oats
  • Impomoca stolonifera – beach morning glory
  • Gaillardia pulchella – blanket flower/ indian blanket